Remmie Colaco, senior tiatrist passed away today in hospital in Goa.
Here are the lyrics of the song 'GOEMKAR' a song which has message for
all Goemkars!
GOEMKAR - Remmie Colaco
This song was sung for the tiatr "Gharachem Sukh"
Ami Goemkar uxear mhunn amkam sonvsar vakanddta,
We Goans are smart and that is why the world envys us
Amchem ganvchem nanv ghetoch bhailo lok chodd sontosta,
When they take the name of our state, people outside are happy
Ami Goemkar fidalg mhunn amchi voddvik uloita,
We Goans are FIDALG,
Amchem fidalgponn polloun amkam bailo lok fottoita,
Seeing our fidagponn outsiders cheat us
Margao Ponnje Mhapsa Vasku ganvani,
In cities of Margao Panjim Mapuca Vasco
Biznessachem markit assat bhavani,
Brothers there is a business market
Tachi podh gheunk chintlam keralkarani,
Keralites have tried to take charge of this
Aiz Vasku cho markit sampddailo tanni.
Today Vasco Market is captured by them
Amchem kitem zait konn zanam, ami fuddar chintinam,
We dont know what will happen of us, we dont think of future
Duddu amche lagim ason ami business korinam,
We have money but we dont go for business
Amkam serkar loan dita thovui ami kaddinam,
Our Govt. gives us loan but that also we dont make use,
Ami biznessak vavronam dekun voir ami soronam,
We dont work for business and hence we dont come up
Ami BA Bcom xinkon zale vhoddle,
We grew up learning BA Bcom
Punn technikal kors korunk visorle,
But we forgot to do technical courses
Dekun bhaile enginer antam Goeam pavle,
Thats why the Engineers from other states reached Goa
Ani nizache Goemkar bekar urle/poddle.
And real Goans were left jobless
Ami Goemkar mhunnonk nanv punn ganvchem chintinanv,
We have pride in our name but we dont think of our state
Focot politics kortanv jednam asta tednam elissanv,
We only take part in politics when there are elections
Nodor marun poinam kosso cholta tho amcho ganv,
We do not see how our state is moving on
Hindu tori xanni punn nhoim ami Christanv
Hinuds are smart but not we Christians.
Ek dis marekar temp tho yetolo,
A day will come when things will be terrible
Niz Goemkarancho pavor denvtolo,
True Goans will have no power
Bhailo lok Goa ganv aplo mhunntolo,
People from other states will say Goa is ours
Goemcho chif ministr keralite zatolo,
Goa's chief Minster will be a Keralite
Tedna mojea utramcho ugddass yetolo,
That time you will remember my words.
Born on 19th September 1925, Remmie Colaco enriched the tiatr stage not only by script writing, directing, acting, singing in tiatrs but he has also designed and executed stage setting in the tiatrs produced by him.
Remmie Colaco hails from Bepquegal, Curchorem Goa. He did his primary education in Konkani at the local church school where he also studied music under the guidance of Maestro Diago Rodrigues. This 87 years old versatile actor first started acting when he joined the Jolly Boys Groupe of Sewree who staged their drama ‘Bhagintlo Mog’ where he played the role of a female. He was spotted by Edward Almeida from Dobitalao, a famous tiatrist then. His career began when he was picked up by C.Alvares, J.P.Souzalin, Minguel Rod, Jacinto Vaz, Dioginho D’Melo, John Claro, M.Boyer and others.
As there were no female artistes then, Remmie Colaco used to play the lead roles of a female. Later on he himself started writing and directing his own plays. He has written and directed many tiatrs which have been well appreciated by the tiatr lovers. Some of the popular tiatrs written and directed by him are ‘Satvo Sacrament’, ‘Sukh Tarvotteanchem’, ‘Bhavponnacho Kaido’, ‘Chouto Mandament’, ‘Atam Konn Sukhi’, ‘Don Kallzam’, ‘Kiteak Upkarlem’, ‘Ghorachem Sukh’, ‘Mhozo Kunhead’ and ‘Ostoreancho Mog’.
Some of the tiatrs in which Remmie Colaco has excelled in various roles are ‘Bhagintlo Mog’, ‘Chintna Zalim Sopna’, ‘Kedna Udetolo to Dis’, ‘Saibinicheo Sat Dukhi’, ‘Ekuch Rosto’, ‘Utt Goenkara’ etc.
He was a good singer on the tiatr stage having sung songs in all above mentioned tiatrs besides showcasing his acting talent. He was better known for his songs on moral values. His most famous song ‘Ankvar Moriechem Dukh’ was selected as the best Konkani song at the All India Radio during the Portuguese era.
Remmie Colaco also sung on gramophone records (HMV) some of which are ‘Ankvar Moriechem Dukh’, ‘Maisun’, ‘Borim Follam’, ‘Bhav-Bhav’ and ‘Mog Utor Apurbaiechem’. He also produced an audio cassette namely ‘Ghorachem Sukh’.
He staged his tiatrs in East Africa and in the Gulf countries too. He won many awards for his contribution towards the upliftment of the Konkani language. The Goa Konkani Academy has published two of his plays ‘Ghorachem Sukh’ and ‘Atancho Temp’.
Remmie Colaco was conferred with the following awards:-
·He was felicitated by the Konkani Weekly Cine Times and Konkani Monthly Gulab.
· He was conferred with Goa State Cultural Award in 1991.
· He was also the recipient of the prestigious Dalgado Puroskar by Dalgado Konknni Akademi.
·He was conferred with Lifetime Contribution to Tiatr Stage Award in the year 2010 by Tiatr Academy of Goa.
Our condolences to the family and May his soul rest in Peace