Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Konkani Proverbs - E

Ek aikonchem khuim lhan-achem nam zalear vhodd-achem

Ek Charni roddtoli zalear, apli xempddi aloumchich podta.
When a squirell squeaks, its shakes it tail.

Ek Devak, ek Denvcharak and ek Povak,
I have offered one to God (the priest), another to the Devil (the lawyer),

and the other for the people (the physician-politician wedded to the people)

Ek jiv sada shiv (Ekti Deva sarkhi sukhi)
Quite alone - I am as happy as a god.

Ek mojem kalum, khoimchea tolleant ghallum?
I have only one oyster, where shall I keep it. Some think too much

and too highly of their own posseesssions.

Ek patkeak lagun khuim tarum buddlelem
Cause of a sinner ship sank.

Ek soirik korunk, sat zottim zhorunk zai

Ek teomp maimcho, ek teomp sunecho.
One day the mother-in-law is in power and another daythe daughter-in-law.
Every dog has his day.

Eka hatan tallio vazonant.
You can't clap with one hand

Eka faran don bokim marop.

Eka faran sotra vag.
Killing 17 tigers at one shot. Exaggerting ones own powers. Bragging to much.

Eka kapddan bail mhatari zainam

Eka mhunxeak vokod tem dusrea munxeak vikh

Ekach pittacho bobo

Eka pixeak sudhraunk chintinaka, kiteak to tuzo dusvas kortolo, 
Eka Xanneak Sudhraunk polle ani to tujem mhotv lokxant ghetlolo.

Ekdam chor to sodanch chor

Eke ratin faleam zainam

Eka nagoi, teka nagoi, pun Ganapattichi chovot bori fulloi

Ekech malleche munne

Ekleak kelear dusreank noixtt, apleak kelear pelek noixtt.

Ekleachem chougamni jeunk zata, pun chogamchem, ekleachen jeunk nezo.
Four persons can eat one mans food but one cannot eat four persons food.

Eklean gay marlear,dusrean padduk marchem nhoi.

If one has killed a cow, the other should not kill a calf.
Two wrongs do not make aright.

Etolo denvchar, koutolo sonvsar.

Ek fott samballunk xembor fotti marunk zai.Eke fottik xembor fotti.
In order to cover up one lie a hundred lies have to be told.

Ekvott asa thoim boll asa.
Where there is unity there is strength. Unity in Strength

Updated 26/7/2015