Thursday, August 28, 2008

Konkani Proverbs - I-J-K-L

Il’lemxem asa tachem edem korinaka.

Inga na khobor purtugalak zobor

In Min sadde tin.
All put together only 3 n half
Very very few ...E refers to she, Mi to I..means one son n one daughter.

Ixttagot ghoddunk vell lagta, mog korunk vell lagona." Ixttagotichi goddsann, mhonva von godd

Jaki babo, kont kabo

Jea mon'xak pixeaponn somzona tea mon'xak xanneponnacho orth gomona"

Jeutele panacher hagtha.
Making stools on the leaf on which you were fed. Turning ungrateful.

Jiu aslear, bik magon khait

Jivit mhonnlear ek sopon, jivitan borem dovor vompon.
Life is nothing but a dream, do good during your lifetime and leave behind a trail of good deeds.

Kaddi kadlear, paddi voita

Kaddiecho Dongor korop

Kaddli jib laili talleak

Kailintlo usllon ujeant poddlo.

Kama purto mama.
Means, people in general are good to you only when they have something
to gain from the association. When their interest is fulfilled, they do not
bother about you.

Kam zalem voiz melo.
The work is over and the doctor is dead. Ungrateful.

Kaminkarak soglench olduvem dista.
A man with jaundice sees all things yellow.

Kan khata tem bhangar kanant ghalchem nhoi.
One should not use gold ear ring if that ring eats up the ear itself.
However valuable and tempting a thing or a person maybe if that
be not conducive to one’s interests or does not remain gratefull,
it should be shunned.

Kanank vainguim bandop

Kantteanuch kantto kaddunk zai.
A thorn in the flesh must be removed with another thorn.' To remove a thorn by using a thorn itself.

Kanvlleachem roddnem sorgar pavonam.
The crowing of crows does not reach heaven.

Kanvleache xirap ghorak lagona./ Kanvleachea dhoran munis moronam

Kanvleak morachim pakam lailear kanvlo more zata? / Kanvlo nanvlear bokem zata?
If you put peacock’s feather to a crow will it become a peacock/
If crow bathes will it become a crane? Kanvlleak kitloi dhu, tho kallo tho kalloch

Kazara mattvant paddo sodhunk aila.
He is come to the wedding pandal in search of a bullock. The bullock
will not come into the wedding pandal where there are many people.
The one who comes in search of bullock in the wedding hall will be the
one who was not invited and is trying to cadge an invitation.

Kazar zaunk na mhunn, matva pondason gelo na?
A man who is not married, has not been under a decorated pandal
put up for someone else’s wedding? Though a man may not have
actual experience he can have knowledge.

Kelelea mapan bhog

Kellem khavun, sali dhan kelear borem?

Kelolem urta ani randlolem sorta

Khavnk mellta thoim konn-ui dhanvta.
Everyone rushes where there are goodies available.
Khajur pikche vellar, kanvleachea tondant runv.
When the dates are ripe, the crow’s mouth gets sore. A man is unable to take advantage of the good fortune that is waiting for him

Khatanam ghodd, hagtanam zodd.

Khatoloi zalear chonne bolsant asonk zai anne

Khatta pitta, Deu dita, mhunon diss sarumia.

Khaumche govachem ani gheumchem lokachem.

Khaunk jeunk aslear, soire sondanche

Khobro urleo khobranchea manddar, bail nidli govachea anddar

Kombeak pattleam pondank damplo mhunn to sad gali nastanam rauchonam.
(Mhataren kombeak dhampun dovorlo mhonn falem zavchem chukona.)
Even if the cock is shut, it will never fail to dawn.

Kombean sad ghatlo nam zalear suria udeupacho rauchonam.

Kombiek lagim vicharun allyan kadlear borem!

Kombo gelo tarvar, kombi zali gurvar.
The cock has gone on a voyage and the hen has become pregnant. (this shows infidelity)
Konddo ghalun tau poita?

Konkannantlo ghov naka; kappod vhellar vhorum, punn to moje vattek vochum naka.
I do not want a husband from the Konkan, let him leave me in peace and take back the sari that he gave me"

Konnank bienaslolo, khauteakarak bieta

Korit to bhogit

Korodd lasun gobar zata, poddot tor ujeachi kitt.

Kortentlem udok muiek doriya.
Water in a coconut shell is a sea to an ant. A little wealth is considered
great riches by a poor man

Kortolo korun guelo, sopear bosteleache andd kadle

Kulo khorzota zalear matem kiteak khorpitai?
Barking up the wrong tree

Kumbarak moddki dhodd nam

Kumbarachem cheddum faidea vinnem xiddi foddina.

Kumpriment kori naka
Do not make fuss

Kundo khateleak undeachi ruch kitem?
A man who lives on husk cannot appreciate the taste of bread

Kurdean maglo ek dollo, devan taka don dolle dile.
The blind man prayed for one eye and God gave him two.

Kuznant xiztelem, jevnnachea mezar dixtta.

Laguim mavoddo, ghalta bovamddo.
Instead of coming straight to the point, he moves in circles.

Lagxileak igroz pois.

Lamb kaxtti, boddai bextti.
Empty vessels make more noise.

Laxil’le maslek kuxil’li chinch.
Rotten tamarind for the burnt fish. Used when a bad man gets equally bad mate.

Lojek ani Pejek podonam.
If you are too bashfull you will not get gruel to drink. When you want

to gain your object, you must push on with zeal and even with immodesty.
A man who is too bashful does not succeed in life.

Lokachea khustar, tum forne marunk chodd uxxear

Lozta to fosta

update 20/7/2015